Writing Your First Macro

Now, we will go through what it takes to write a simple macro, with some self-contained examples. To begin, we need three files

# run.py
# target.py
# macro_module.py

As mentioned earlier, you cannot use macros in the __main__ module (the file that is run directly via python ...) and so we have to have a separate bootstrap file run.py, which will then execute target.py, which contains macros defined in macro_module.py.

# run.py
import macropy.activate
import target

# target.py
# macro_module.py

Now, let us define a simple macro, in macro_module.py

# run.py
import macropy.activate
import target

# target.py
from macro_module import macros, expand

print(expand[1 + 2])

# macro_module.py
from macropy.core.macros import Macros

macros = Macros()

def expand(tree, **kw):
    return tree

Running this via python run.py will print out 3; so far expand is a simple no-op macro which does not do anything to the tree it is passed. This macro is provided in docs/examples/first_macro/nop if you want to try it out yourself; you can run it from the project root via python docs/examples/first_macro/nop/run.py.

The **kw serves to absorb all the arguments that you did not declare. The macro can take additional arguments (not shown here) which are documented Arguments. Alternately, you can just take a look at what the **kw dictionary contains.

The line

from macro_module import macros, expand

is necessary to declare what macros you want to use (expand), and which module you want to load them from macro_module. Aliases also work:

from macro_module import macros, expand as my_alias

print(my_alias[1 + 2])

As you would expect. Import-alls like from macro_module import * do not work.

At this point, you can print out the tree you are receiving in various forms just to see what you’re getting:

# macro_module.py
from macropy.core import real_repr, unparse
from macropy.core.macros import Macros

macros = Macros()

def expand(tree, **kw):
    return tree

When you run run.py, This will print:

<_ast.BinOp object at 0x000000000206BBA8>
BinOp(Num(1), Add(), Num(2))
(1 + 2)

As you can see, the AST objects don’t have a nice __repr__, but if you use the MacroPy function real_repr, you can see that it’s made up of the BinOp Add, which adds the two numbers Num(1) and Num(2). Unparsing it into source code via unparse() gives you (1 + 2), which is what you would expect. In general, unparsing may not give you exactly the original source, but it should be semantically equivalent when executed. Take a look at the data model to see what other useful conversions are available.

One (trivial) example of modifying the tree is to simply replace it with a new tree, for example:

# macro_module.py
from ast import Num

from macropy.core.macros import Macros

macros = Macros()

def expand(tree, **kw):
    return Num(100)

When you run run.py, this will print out 100, as the original expression (1 + 2) has now been replaced by the literal 100. Another possible operation would be to replace the expression with the square of itself:

# macro_module.py
from ast import BinOp, Mult

from macropy.core.macros import Macros

macros = Macros()

def expand(tree, **kw):
    newtree = BinOp(tree, Mult(), tree)
    return newtree

This will replace the expression (1 + 2) with ((1 + 2) * (1 + 2)); you can similarly print out newtree via unparse or real_repr to see what’s it looks like.

Using Quasiquotes

Building up the new tree manually, as shown above, works reasonably well. However, it can quickly get unwieldy, particularly for more complex expressions. For example, let’s say we wanted to make expand wrap the expression (1 + 2) in a lambda, like lambda x: x * (1 + 2) + 10. Ignore, for the moment, that this transform is not very useful. Doing so manually is quite a pain:

# macro_module.py
from ast import Add, BinOp, Lambda, Load, Mult, Name, Num, Param, arguments

from macropy.core.macros import Macros

macros = Macros()

def expand(tree, **kw):
    return Lambda(arguments([Name("x", Param())], None, None, []), BinOp(BinOp(Name('x', Load()), Mult(), tree), Add(), Num(10)))

This works, and when you run run.py it prints out:

<function <lambda> at 0x00000000020A3588>

Because now target.py is printing out a lambda function. If we modify target.py to call the expanded lambda with an argument:

# target.py
from macro_module import macros, expand

func = expand[1 + 2]

It prints 25, as you would expect.

Quasiquotes are a special structure that lets you quote sections of code as ASTs, letting us substitute in sections dynamically. Quasiquotes let us turn the above code into:

# macro_module.py
from macropy.core.macros import Macros
from macropy.core.quotes import macros, q, ast_literal

macros = Macros()

def expand(tree, **kw):
    return q[lambda x: x * ast_literal[tree] + 10]

the q[...] syntax means that the section following it is quoted as an AST, while the unquote ast_literal[...] syntax means to place the value of tree into that part of the quoted AST, rather than simply the node Name("tree"). Running run.py, this also prints 25. See docs/examples/quasiquote for the self-contained code for this example.

Another unquote u allow us to dynamically include the value 10 in the AST at run time:

# macro_module.py
from macropy.core.macros import Macros
from macropy.core.quotes import macros, q, ast_literal, u

macros = Macros()

def expand(tree, **kw):
    addition = 10
    return q[lambda x: x * ast_literal[tree] + u[addition]]

This will insert the a literal representing the value of addition into the position of the u[addition], in this case 10. This also prints 25. For a more detailed description of how quoting and unquoting works, and what more you can do with it, check out the documentation for Quasiquotes.

Apart from using the u and ast_literal unquotes to put things into the AST, good old fashioned assignment works too:

# macro_module.py
from macropy.core.macros import Macros
from macropy.core.quotes import macros, q

macros = Macros()

def expand(tree, **kw):
    newtree = q[lambda x: x * None + 10]
    newtree.body.left.right = tree          # replace the None in the AST with the given tree
    return newtree

If you run this, it will also print 25.

Walking the AST

Quasiquotes make it much easier for you to manipulate sections of code, allowing you to quickly put together snippets that look however you want. However, they do not provide any support for a very common use case: that of recursively traversing the AST and replacing sections of it at a time.

Now that you know how to make basic macros, I will walk you through the implementation of a less trivial (and extremely useful!) macro: Quick Lambdas.

If we look at what Quick Lambdas does, we see want to take code which looks like this:

f[_ + (1 * _)]

and turn it into:

(arg0 + (1 * arg1))

and wrap it in a lambda to give:

lambda arg0, arg1: (arg0 + (1 * arg1))

Let’s accomplish the first transform first: we need to replace all the _ with variables arg0, arg1, etc.. To do this, we need to recurse over the AST in order to search for the uses of _. A simple attempt may be:

# macro_module.py

from macropy.core.macros import Macros

macros = Macros()

def f(tree, **kw):
    names = ('arg' + str(i) for i in range(100))

    def rec(tree):
        if type(tree) is Name and tree.id == '_':
            tree.id = names.next()
        if type(tree) is BinOp:
        if type(tree) is List:
            map(rec, tree.elts)
        if type(tree) is UnaryOp:
        if type(tree) is BoolOp:
            map(rec, tree.values)

    newtree = rec(tree)
    return newtree

Note that we use f instead of expand. Also note that writing out the recursion manually is pretty tricky, there are a ton of cases to consider, and it’s easy to get wrong. It turns out that this behavior, of walking over the AST and doing something to it, is an extremely common operation, common enough that MacroPy provides the Walker class to do this for you:

# macro_module.py
from macropy.core.macros import Macros

macros = Macros()

def f(tree, **kw):
    names = ('arg' + str(i) for i in range(100))

    def underscore_search(tree, **kw):
        if type(tree) is Name and tree.id == '_':
            tree.id = names.next()

    newtree = underscore_search.recurse(tree)
    print(unparse(newtree)) # (arg0 + (1 * arg1))
    return newtree

This snippet of code is equivalent to the one earlier, except that with a Walkers, you only need to specify the AST nodes you are interested in (in this case Name) and the Walker will do the recursion automatically. As you can see, when we print out the unparsed newtree, we can see that the transformed code looks like what we expect. You could also use the show_expanded macro in target.py to see what it looks like:

# target.py
from macro_module import macros, f
from macropy.tracing import macros, show_expanded

with show_expanded:
    my_func = f[_ + (1 * _)]
# my_func = (arg0 + (1 * arg1))

Verifying that the code indeed is what we expect.

When run, this code then fails with a:

NameError: name 'arg0' is not defined

At runtime, because the names we put into the tree (arg0 and arg1) haven’t actually been defined in target.py! We will see how we can fix that.

More Walking

The function being passed to the Walker can return a variety of things. In this case, let’s say we want to collect the names we extracted from the names generator, so we can use them to populate the arguments of the lambda.

The Walker function request the collect argument, and call collect(item) to have the Walker aggregate them all in one large list which you can extract by using recurse_collect instead of recurse:

from macropy.core.macros import Macros
from macropy.core.quotes import macros, q, u

macros = Macros()

def f(tree, **kw):
    names = ('arg' + str(i) for i in range(100))

    def underscore_search(tree, collect, **kw):
        if isinstance(tree, Name) and tree.id == "_":
            name = names.next()
            tree.id = name
            return tree

    new_tree, used_names = underscore_search.recurse_collect(tree)
    print(used_names) # ['arg0', 'arg1']
    return new_tree

Now we have available both the new_tree as well as a list of used_names. When we print out used_names, we see it is the names that got substituted in place of the underscores within the AST. If you’re wondering what other useful things are hiding in the **kw, check out the section on Walkers.

This still fails at runtime, but now all we need now is to wrap everything in a lambda, set the arguments properly:

from macropy.core.macros import Macros
from macropy.core.quotes import macros, q, u, ast_literal

_ = None  # makes IDE happy

macros = Macros()

def f(tree, **kw):
    names = ('arg' + str(i) for i in range(100))

    def underscore_search(tree, **kw):
        if isinstance(tree, Name) and tree.id == "_":
            name = names.next()
            tree.id = name
            return tree, collect(name)

    tree, used_names = underscore_search.recurse_collect(tree)

    new_tree = q[lambda: ast_literal[tree]]
    new_tree.args.args = [Name(id = x) for x in used_names]
    print(unparse(new_tree)) # (lambda arg0, arg1: (arg0 + (1 * arg1)))
    return new_tree

And we’re done! The printed new_tree looks exactly like what we want. The original code:

# target.py
from macro_module import macros, f

print(f[_ + (1 * _)])

spits out:

<function <lambda> at 0x000000000203D198>

Showing we have successfully replaced all the underscores with variables and wrapped the expression in a lambda! Now when we try to run it:

# target.py
from macro_module import macros, f

my_func = f[_ + (1 * _)]
print(my_func(10, 20)) # 30

It works! We can also use it in some less trivial cases, just to verify that it indeed does what we want:

# target.py
print(reduce(f[_ + _], [1, 2, 3]))  # 6
print(filter(f[_ % 2 != 0], [1, 2, 3]))  # [1, 3]
print(map(f[_  * 10], [1, 2, 3]))  # [10, 20, 30]

Mission Accomplished! You can see the completed self-contained example in docs/examples/full. This macro is also defined in our library in macropy/quick_lambda.py, along with a suite of unit tests. It is also used throughout the implementation of the other macros.