An AST crash course

The ast module of Python is greatly underdocumented: it does not teach you anything of the contained node classes or how they are expected to be used. What follows is some collected wisdom about working with the AST classes, in the hope that you don’t have to repeat the same mistakes.

Third-party must read documentation

There is some other documentation on the web about the ast nodes. Green Tree Snakes is a field guide, it’s invaluable because it shows you how the nodes should be composed to create valid AST trees.

Use an AST pretty printer

AST nodes aren’t your like your normal Python’s standard library object. Usually you are accustomed to work with objects that when printed they tell you their features: this isn’t true for AST nodes. Let’s see an example:

Python 3.6.6 (default, Jun 27 2018, 05:47:41)
[GCC 7.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from ast import parse
>>> tree = parse('x = [x for x in range(5)]')
>>> tree
<_ast.Module object at 0x7f85c4464518>

As you can see, the repr() of the tree variable doesn’t tells us much about what it represents. ast.dump() helps a bit:

>>> from ast import dump
>>> dump(tree)
"Module(body=[Assign(targets=[Name(id='x', ctx=Store())], value=ListComp(elt=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()), generators=[comprehension(target=Name(id='x', ctx=Store()), iter=Call(func=Name(id='range', ctx=Load()), args=[Num(n=5)], keywords=[]), ifs=[], is_async=0)]))])"

but not so much, we now can read all the expression that the tree represents, but it isn’t really so clear. To get a better printed expression we can use one of the numerous AST pretty printers that are available on PyPi: the meta package in my opinion does a good job, so let’s try it out:

$ pip install meta
$ python
Python 3.6.6 (default, Jun 27 2018, 05:47:41)
[GCC 7.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from ast import parse
>>> from meta.asttools import print_ast
>>> tree = parse('x = [x for x in range(5)]')
>>> print_ast(tree)

As you can see using meta.asttools.print_ast() gives us a much better understanding about how the tree is structured.

What if you fail to grasp what the AST tree stands for?

If with pretty printing the meaning of the AST tree is still obscure to you, it’s time to use MacroPy own helpers like unparse(). Using tree from the last example:

>>> from macropy.core import unparse
>>> unparse(tree)
'\nx = [x for x in range(5)]'

unparse() can convert back to Python source any AST tree of a supported interpreter version.

AST node classes are picky and underdeveloped

Yes, you read it right: AST node classes are picky and underdeveloped.

No simple way to create them

For example the Name() nodes are used to store names: in variable assignments they will be used to store the left side:

>>> from ast import parse
>>> from meta.asttools import print_ast
>>> tree = parse('x = 10')
>>> print_ast(tree)

However, when you try to create a Name object manually, you may have some surprise:

>>> import ast
>>> x = ast.Name('x')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Name constructor takes either 0 or 2 positional arguments

so no creation shortcuts. To create it you have to specify all the positional arguments:

>>> x = ast.Name('x', ast.Store())

or find out the name of the fields and figure out the few needed:

>>> ast.Name._fields
('id', 'ctx')
>>> x2 = ast.Name(id='x')

Always use a list where a sequence is needed

Another example of this “pedantry” is when you try to recreate the above assignment by hand:

>>> ass = ast.Assign(targets=(ast.Name(ctx=ast.Store(), id='x'),), value=ast.Num(n=10))
>>> ass
<_ast.Assign object at 0x7f85c3e377b8>

This seems to work even if we used a tuple for the targets parameter, but as soon as we try to run this code an error will surface:

>>> mod = ast.fix_missing_locations(ast.Module(body=[ass]))
# ``mod`` and ``fix_missing_locations`` are needed when not using MacroPy
>>> compile(mod, '<string>', 'exec')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Assign field "targets" must be a list, not a tuple

Instead, using a list:

>>> ass = ast.Assign(targets=[ast.Name(ctx=ast.Store(), id='x')], value=ast.Num(n=10))
>>> mod = ast.fix_missing_locations(ast.Module(body=[ass]))
>>> compile(mod, '<string>', 'exec')
<code object <module> at 0x7f85c3d88540, file "<string>", line 1>

Et voilà, the tree is compiled without errors.

So, always use a list instance where a sequence is expected!

There’s no support for tree comparison

This may come as a surprise, but there’s no support for rich comparison between tree or even nodes:

>>> x = ast.Name(id='x')
>>> x2 = ast.Name(id='x')
>>> x == x2

Even with more complex trees:

>>> ass = ast.Assign(targets=[ast.Name(ctx=ast.Store(), id='x')], value=ast.Num(n=10))
>>> ass2 = ast.Assign(targets=[ast.Name(ctx=ast.Store(), id='x')], value=ast.Num(n=10))
>>> ass3 = ast.Assign(targets=[ast.Name(ctx=ast.Store(), id='x')], value=ast.Num(n=11))
# note that ``ass3`` assigns to 11
>>> ass == ass2
>>> ass == ass3

If you needed the package meta previously mentioned has a function that helps here, let’s see:

>>> from meta.asttools import cmp_ast
>>> cmp_ast(x, x2)
>>> cmp_ast(ass, ass2)
>>> cmp_ast(ass, ass3)

So don’t expect any rich comparison using == operator, it will behave like with two object() instances out of the box. If you need it, use meta or build your own.